
Facebook Group for Parents

LDSWalkWithYou has a ‘secret’ Facebook page specifically for LDS parents who want to support their LGBT children while staying active in the church. Contact us here at LDSWalkWithYou to be added to this group.

The Family Acceptance Project

For information on how to prevent suicide, drug use and other serious health risks for your LGBT child and to promote their self-esteem and well-being, please review the information in the pamphlet available through the Family Acceptance Project. There is a version of this pamphlet written specifically for Latter-Day Saints if you scroll down this page. This publication was designated as a “Best Practice” for suicide prevention by the national Best Practices Registry for Suicide Prevention. They request an email to download the pamphlet so they can send one anonymous follow-up survey to get your feedback on the publication (optional).

Their award-winning film, “Families Are Forever” will be released later this year:

Words From an Apostle

Watch this video for family advice on LGBT issues by Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles:

For the official website of the Church with regards to LGBT issues: